special event

Empowering through sports

Erasmus+ Project


Project number: 101093720

Co-funded by the European union disclaimer

About the Project

The “Mermaids for Inclusion” project, supported by the EU, focuses on enhancing grassroots sports organizations while addressing social inclusion, particularly the integration of ethnic and religious minorities and promoting gender equality. 

This aligns with the EU Work Plan for Sport 2021-2024, emphasizing integrity, values, and social aspects of sports, including increasing women’s representation in leadership and coaching roles and ensuring equal conditions and media coverage for female athletes.

With a focus on the Western Balkans, the project addresses challenges faced by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Croatia, and Greece in integrating ethnic and religious minorities and advancing gender equality. These regions, marked by significant emigration and an influx of migrants and asylum seekers, emphasize the need for inclusion.

The project aims to establish finswimming in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, offering a digital-based education path on the sport and skills related to inclusion, especially for women and minorities. It targets capacity building in grassroots clubs, promoting finswimming as a gateway to other water-related activities, and fostering social inclusion through sports. The project also emphasizes regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, sharing best practices and knowledge to address socio-economic challenges and promote civil engagement through sports.

Our Workplan


Co-funded by the European union disclaimer

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