Join 'Mermaids for Inclusion' in making waves for social change!

Erasmus+ Project


Project number: 101093720


The ‘Mermaids for Inclusion’ project, endorsed by the European Union, stands as a testament to the transformative power of sports in fostering social cohesion. This initiative strategically integrates finswimming into the fabric of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, transcending the traditional boundaries of sports. Its primary focus is to champion gender equality and facilitate the integration of ethnic and religious minorities, underscoring the pivotal role of sports in promoting inclusivity in the Western Balkans.
Co-funded by the European union disclaimer

Project Goals

The objectives of the project are:

1. Develop skills for social involvement, focusing on disadvantaged groups and promoting common values, especially gender equality policies.

2. Equip sports staff and volunteers to establish finswimming as a new grassroots sport and introduce an inclusive approach in partnering organizations, emphasizing gender equality and inclusion of ethnic and religious minorities.

3. Address the needs of small grassroots organizations by providing knowledge on inclusion processes for disadvantaged groups and enhancing swimming schools to broaden their activities for higher sustainability, encouraging cross-organizational expertise exchange.



Kick-Off Meeting
Veria (Greece)
14th-15th January 2023
Transnational Project Meeting 1
Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
26th-27th August 2023
Transnational Project Meeting 2
Prishtina (Kosovo)
April 2024
Multiplier Sport Event
Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
September 2024
Final Meeting
Zagreb (Croatia)
December 2024


Transnational Project Meeting 1 in Sarajevo
Click Here
Transnational Project Meeting 2 n Kosovo
Kosovo 2023
Click Here
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Registration Form

Erasmus+ Project ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-CB Project number: 101093720

Co-funded by the European union disclaimer

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.